Event Reports

Event Reports


Another big night in Osaka


19 men 17 women

5 couples

It's not often that we have more men than women at one of our parties. We had a few guys signing up late on, as well as a couple of cancellations form the women. It has to happen sometimes I suppose.

There was a good ambience though, and despite not a great couple ratio, a nice and successful party.

From October, Osaka parties will be taking place on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month, as opposed to the 2nd and 3rd Friday, as is the case now.

See ya guys!


Great party in Ginza


18 men 20 women

5 couples

A really good balance and a really good atmosphere tonight. We had a few problems at reception, which meant we were a little late getting started. That therefore meant that the first part of the party was a little fast. All the men moved quickly though, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Despite the great balance and atmosphere, the couple ratio was lower than usual. For some reason, it seems to be the case that the better the atmosphere of the party, the lower our couple ratio. Bizarre that.

Anyway, sign yourselves up soon guys, as we're already getting lots of sign-ups for next week's parties on the 26th.


Lots of women in Osaka


11 men 19 women

5 couples

Not enough men really in Osaka tonight. We had lots of young and beautiful women looking for some foreign loving, and they totally outnumbered the men. The atmosphere was good, and everyone was happy, but it's a shame to have these lovely women outnumbering the men all the time. I'm sure more men would come if they knew, so please spread the word guys.

Our parties in Osaka are constantly great, but we could normally do with a few more men.

Our next event is on the 26th of August, sign yourselves up guys!


Friday night in Shinjuku


11 men, 15 women

5 couples

Just under half of our men made couples tonight, which is certainly a bit less than usual.

There was a good atmosphere and the evening was certainly a success, which is certainly usual!

I hope everyone had a good time at the event.

Our next in Shinjuku is on the 2nd of September (Shinjuku parties are always on the first Friday of the month).


Friday night in Ginza


11 men, 14 women

5 couples

Quite a small party tonight in Ginza. There was a nice atmosphere nonetheless.

We made 5 couples, which meant that just under half of our men made matches. That's quite few, as we rarely have less than half of our men making matches.

We've got parties in Ginza and Shinjuku on the 29th of July and 5th of August respectively. Get yourselves signed up early and attendance is completely free!


Perfect balance in Osaka


14 men 14 women

5 couples

Not so many couples, but a great night in Osaka. It was 14 on 14, and the atmosphere was great.

Our Osaka venue is a really beautiful spot, with great views over downtown Osaka.

Our next party in Osaka is on the 12th of August. Sign up early and it's totally free to attend!

Hope to see you there!


Great ratio in Ginza


12 men, 19 women

8 couples.

Exactly two thirds of our men made matches tonight in Ginza.

We had a load of women sign up on the morning of the event, which unfortunately put our balance a bit off.

Nonetheless, we had a good atmosphere and made plenty of matches.

Spread the word guys, and let people know that Exeo International events really do work.


Fun night in Ginza


16 men, 21 women

6 couples.

As it happened we could have done with a few more men in Ginza tonight. There were a few too many women. Nonetheless, the party was a success.

Everyone seemed to have a good time. We had to go through the first part of the party very quickly, but still didn't finish on time. It's important guys that you move as soon as you're asked to, because time can't be added on at the end. If the first half finishes early, we won't finish the party early, we'll just give you more free time.

Next week we're in Ginza again. Already have quite a few women signed up. Get yourselves registered soon!


Big event in Shinjuku


17 men, 15 women

7 couples.

Our Shinjuku venue was pretty full tonight. Unfortunately we had a couple more men than women, but it didn't dampen a great atmosphere. Everyone seemed to have a really fun time.

7 couples is a pretty good result for a party of this size. We hope all those who made couples had fun after the event! We finished a little late, but that didn't seem to bother anyone thankfully.

Next week we're in Ginza. We hope some of you can make it again!


Friday night in Nagoya


4 men, 9 women

3 couples.

A very high success rate tonight, but quite a low turnout from the guys.

The parties really work (3 out of a possible 4 couples is hardly bad). I'm pretty sure there's a lot of single foreign guys in Nagoya. Spread the word fellas. We have a really nice venue in Nagoya, and don't like to see it so empty!

It's totally free, and works a dream. What's not to love?